We propose an artificial pruning-aware procedural modeling technique for artificially cultivated plants such as roses. The branch generation rules are derived to reproduce the characteristics of the ideal tree shape during the blooming season, leveraging both the species-specific growth model and artificial pruning applied appropriately throughout the year. Our system enables intuitive control to change the tree shape by tweaking several parameters without special knowledge of rose cultivation.
- 梅澤 航, 向井 智彦, 植物の背丈に着目した庭園の植栽の自動配置手法の検討, Visual Computing 2024 ポスター, 2024.9.
- Wataru Umezawa and Tomohiko Mukai, Training Climbing Roses By Constrained Graph Search, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (Special Issue on CGI 2024), Vol. 35, Issue 6, Article e2297, 2024.10.
- Wataru Umezawa and Tomohiko Mukai, Procedural Modeling of Climbing Roses Using Constrained Path Finding Algorithm, Nicograph International 2024 Posters, 2024.6. (Best Poster Presentation Award)
- 梅澤 航, 向井 智彦, 壁面への誘引を考慮した制約つき経路探索によるつるバラのモデリング, 情報処理学会コンピュータグラフィックスとビジュアル情報学研究会報告, 2024.3.
- Wataru Umezawa and Tomohiko Mukai, Procedural Modeling of Artificially Cultivated Shrub Roses, The Visual Computer, Vol. 40, Issue. 8, pp. 5091-5106, 2023.4.
- 梅澤航, 向井智彦, つるバラのプロシージャルモデリングに向けた検討, Visual Computing 2022 ポスター, 2022.10.
- Wataru Umezawa and Tomohiko Mukai, Artificial Pruning-Aware Procedural Modeling of Shrub Roses, International Conference on Cyberworlds 2022, pp.31-38, 2022.9.
- 梅澤 航, 向井 智彦, 木立性のバラの樹形のプロシージャルモデリング, 第84回情報処理学会全国大会, 7ZG-03, 2022.3.
- 梅澤 航, 向井 智彦, 木立性のバラの樹形のプロシージャルモデリング, Visual Computing 2021 ポスター, 2021.9.