We propose a method for retrieving human motion data with concise retrieval rules based on the spatiotemporal features of motion appearance. Our method first converts motion clip into a form of clausal language that represents geometrical relations between body parts and their temporal relationship. A retrieval rule is then learned from the set of manually classified examples using inductive logic programming.
- Publications
- Tomohiko Mukai, Ken-ichi Wakisaka and Shigeru Kuriyama, Generating Concise Rules for Human Motion Retrieval, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E93-D, No.6, 1636-1643, 2010. [web] [movie]
- Tomohiko Mukai, Ken-ichi Wakisaka and Shigeru Kuriyama, Generating Concise Rules for Retrieving Human Motions from Large Datasets, Computer Animation and Social Agents 2009, Short Paper, 2009. [web] [pdf] [movie]
- Tomohiko Mukai, Ken-ichi Wakisaka and Shigeru Kuriyama, Rule-based Retrieval of Human Motion Data Using Inductive Logic Programming, ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2007, Posters and Demos, pp.22-23, 2007. [web] [pdf] [poster] [movie]
- 脇坂健一,向井智彦,栗山繁, 帰納推論を用いた動作データのセマンティクス解析, Visual Computing/グラフィクスとCAD 合同シンポジウム 2007, pp.151-156, 2007.